M365 Phishing & Ransomware Protection
90% of data breaches originate from phishing attacks aimed at employees
94% of malware is delivered via email
The average downtime due to ransomware attacks is 21 days
70% of organisations have experienced at least one ransomware attack
2024 Statistics
Managing your Microsoft 365 email security doesn't have to be complicated, but it's important to understand the risks associated with online communication systems and the damage they can cause to a business, whether it's accidental or malicious.
The outcome will sadly often result in a combination of data loss, unplanned outages or reputational damage.
Here are three simple questions for you to consider:
1. Email Security:
How confident are you in your organisation's ability to detect and prevent phishing attacks through email?
Not confident at all
Somewhat confident
Very confident
Extremely confident
2. Ransomware Protection:
Has your organization implemented specific measures to prevent and respond to ransomware attacks? (e.g., employee training, anti-ransomware software, incident response plans)
No measures in place
Some measures in place
Comprehensive measures in place
Not sure
3. Data Backup and Recovery:
How frequently does your organization back up critical data, and do you have a tested recovery plan in case of data loss?
We do not back up data
Backups are infrequent (e.g., monthly or less)
Regular backups (e.g., weekly)
Daily or continuous backups with a tested recovery plan
Not sure
If you're unsure how to respond and would like a discussion to see how Security Ninja can help you improve your existing security capabilities and protect against new and emerging threats, please get in touch.